Security FAQ
A list of questions that have been asked repeatedly in security spaces.
Is ___ secure?
This is a pointless question to ask in an absolute sense. Since there's no such thing as complete security in computing (aside from not using a computer), the answer to this question is always "no". Instead, consider asking this question in a relative way, like: "Is A more secure than B?". It's also important to include information about what you're trying to secure your system against. What is the threat vector?
Is ___ private?
Much like the previous question, this question is meaningless in an absolute sense and without additional information. On top of that, the nebulous nature of "privacy" often lends itself to being a euphemism for security theater. As a result, users navigating "private" software options should do so carefully so as to not sacrifice their security on the dubious altar of privacy.
Should I use F-Droid?
Should I use Aurora Store?